before we invented sin did we sing sermons?
where do we draw the line; bloodshed or bloodletting?
why does the word balustrade come from
the Italian word balaustra like
blossoming pomegranate flowers?
the fountains of youth spill over,
coins gasp into the Piazza De Ferrari
my vending machine coffee is disarmed
you eat pizza on the church steps
nibbling with future dentures
we indentured ourselves to each
other in that most porcelain of youth
but I was never satisfied with pomegranates
we slither in the conditional, reach for sweetness
but we are skint for love and dry for money
who dreamt of original sin, how could god
conjure such failure of ambition?
ask yourself does euphoria lie in ephemera?
all these years later, divorced from the natural
we purchase flesh, haggle for limbs
you told me I misunderstood the meaning
of words and I told you you were wrong
I told you I was a poet
you were more interested in gelato
Aqeel Parvez is a widely published poet and spoken word performer from Bradford, UK. He runs the publisher / podcast / events promoter - MALNOURISHED INTELLECT and co-hosts the podcast & poetry night - Poets Talking Bollocks w/ Keith Fenton. He is also the author of numerous chapbooks. His new book CARTOON SUICIDES is out now.
Aqeel Parvez is @aqeelparvez and @ap.writer
does euphoria lie in ephemera!!!