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"My neighbors, my friends" by Colin Gee

Dealer goes by whistling notes

on repeat the length of the block

shee wee wuh wah wah wuh wee

which the man inside the high castle

or maybe his mom

replies to with a different septet


did it in broad daylight

while I was sitting out in my speedo

radio tuned to la mejor

in my lawn chair

knobby white legs crooked into high white

socks and tennies

cig burning down toward the lips

unread book upturned by the highball

racing form in hand

sólo la mejorrrr

While the moms run the length of the block too

in their aprons

clutching lunches

kids arms reaching through the bars

recess at the kitty corner school

Better get used to these bars kid.


Colin Gee is founder and editor of The Gorko Gazette, teacher and writer. Stories and novellas in The Penult from LEFTOVER Books.

Colin Gee is on X @ColinMGee

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